natural language logic programming

Logical (programming) - The Free Dictionary.
natural language logic programming
Projects on Inductive Logic Programming funded by TFR.
Using Inductive Logic Programming for Natural Language Processing.
2. Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming.
@MISC{Warren82issuesin, author = {David H. D. Warren}, title = {Issues In Natural Language Access To Databases From A Logic Programming Perspective }.
So for me Bob came before logic programming rather than the other way around. ... me the work on his natural-language question-answering system based on.
Noun, 1. logic programming - a computer language designed in Europe to support natural language processing. logic programing, Prolog · programing.
Using Inductive Logic Programming to Automate the Construction of.
Logic Programming: Proceedings of the 1997 International Symposium - Google Books Result.
Noun, 1. logic programming - a computer language designed in Europe to support natural language processing. logic programing, Prolog · programing.
Inductive Logic Programming for Natural Language Processing · Induction of Constraint-Grammar Rules · Induction of Transfer Rules · Learning from Positive.
Title: A constraint logic programming treatment of syntactic choice in natural language generation; Book Title: Aspects of Automated Natural Language.
Verónica Dahl, Patrick Saint-Dizier (Eds.): Natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming, II, Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on.
natural language logic programming
αProlog:A Logic Programming Language with Names and Binding.
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming - Cambridge Journals.
@MISC{Warren82issuesin, author = {David H. D. Warren}, title = {Issues In Natural Language Access To Databases From A Logic Programming Perspective }.
So for me Bob came before logic programming rather than the other way around. ... me the work on his natural-language question-answering system based on.