kindle dx 2.5.8 screensaver

Kindle 3.1 software for Kindle 2, 2i, & DX (under construction.
This program was originally written for Kindle DX Graphite and later .. I jailbroke my 3.1 kindle 3 and installed the screen saver and font hack, .. I've a Kindle DX (6 days ago) on firmware 2.5.8 and I'm unable to use the.
Kindle K3G and DXG - Dobrica Pavlinušić's Weblog / Blog.
K5 Kindle Touch Software-Update 5.3.2 - Page 8 - MobileRead Forums.
kindle dx 2.5.8 screensaver
Native Fonts & ScreenSavers Hacks for Kindles 2.x, 3.x & 4.x.
Screensaver Hack WON'T go away! I can't update! Amazon Kindle.. have tried everything I can think of to get the + SSDX 0.1 uninstalled so that I can update to 2.5.8 on my Kindle DXi. .. Hacks K2 Screensaver hack on DX?
Sep 11, 2012. It's possible that your screensaver modification causes a difference when the software ... Kindle DXG (it has 3G, but it's so old I'm not really counting it!) .. DXG runs the same firmware as Kindle 2 (currently at version 2.5.8).
kindle dx 2.5.8 screensaver
Troubleshooting Help Un-hacking my 2nd Gen Kindle? - MobileRead Forums.Yes, can you may check this file: 2.5.x Screen-Saver Hack from clarknova. And look. And can I use fonts hack for K2/DX on Kindle 3 ? meem is .. P.S. I have a Kindle DX with the version 2.5.8 and the serial starts with B009.
I recently did an update on my Kindle Dx US, upgraded from 2.5.8 to 3.2.1. worked, tried Screen saver hack to be sure jail break was working.
At first I was told I needed to update my software to 2.5.8, which I did.. download , but it never does and eventually the Kindle goes into screen saver mode.. also left off the Kindle Touch, Kindle DX and 1st Gen Kindles as well as Kindle 4PC.
Kindle History | It All Makes Sense.